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Design a Stunning Facebook Ad

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

When it comes to advertising design, Facebook offers a set of options (albeit very limited) but does the job well for its platform. Check out these essential design features.

Choose from 3 different formats

Facebook offers 3 design options for advertising campaigns on their platform. From your campaign objectives and product information, choose the layout that’s right for you. For example, a single image or video is the most popular option for helping visitors discover broad information about your brand or specific information about 1 product or service under your brand. Or, choose a carousel ad that lets readers swipe through and see a variety of products or services that you offer. Carousels are particularly useful if you want to highlight a line of products or services within the same umbrella. Or, perhaps the collection option (only for mobile) that allows you to add a group of items that opens up into a full screen mobile experience.

Every layout option comes with the latest ad features built in. Viewers can easily interact with your ad and find out more information about the product or service advertised.

Add media to your ads

When creating your ads you can:

  • Upload images

  • Embed videos

  • Create galleries to showcase a media collection

Customize the look of your media by making it align to the required dimensions and resolutions.

Imagery Tips

Try and choose images that are crisp, clean and with a clear focus for your ads. You'll want the theme of the images to match your product or service (whether that be with the colours or style you're looking to portray) and stick to that theme throughout your campaign. Remember that your themes can change with each campaign. If your focus for this campaign is to sell a certain product, focus the campaign on the colours or styling of that product. Not every campaign needs to utilize your brand colours. It's what you're selling that matters.

Don't be afraid to test it out! Use the same copy on 3 different images or sets of images and test to see which ones fair better in your target audience. You'll be able to land on certain preferences and adjust your ads as you go.

It's always recommended to let your ad sets run for about 3 months to gain a good understanding of how your audience may react to those ads. If you're seeing that 1 image is clearly producing poor results compared to others during the 3 months, you can always change it out at any time.

Unlike traditional advertising avenues, Facebook offers you flexibility throughout your campaign. So test it out and have fun with it!

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